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A New Morning Obsession

How to Spot High Quality CBD/Cannabinoid Products

The hemp industry is booming right now; it’s growing every day as more and more cannabinoid based products pop up on the market. But not all hemp products are created equally--like anything, there’s bound to be low-quality cannabinoid oils out there. If you don’t take the time to do your research, you could end up spending a decent amount of money on a product that will give you less than favorable results. So how can you ensure that you’re buying high quality cannabinoid products? Here are a few important steps to take when you’re choosing:

Know the Source and Growing Standards

The quality of the particular hemp plant that CBD and other cannabinoids are derived from can play a major role in the grade and effectiveness of these products. Things like the climate and the pH level of the soil the hemp grows in will determine the plant’s quality. Low-quality hemp is often exposed to toxic chemicals and pesticides, which can put a damper on all the benefits of cannabinoids, especially since hemp is known to soak up everything from the soil it’s growing in. That’s why it’s important to do your research so you know exactly where a certain company sources their cannabinoid products from--the best way to ensure you’re consuming products made from high-quality hemp is to know it was grown on high-quality soil. Your safest bet is to buy products sourced in the United States, where hemp is well-regulated. This will typically ensure a high quality cannabinoid-based product. 

Check Third Party Lab Results (COAs)

Of course companies want to make themselves look good! That’s why it’s important for CBD and cannabinoid based products to be tested by third parties. Third-party testing ensures honest test results since there is no bias or motive involved; they simply provide consumers with the facts they need. This is especially vital when it comes to hemp products, which are not regulated by the FDA. Looking at the third party lab results, also known as a Certificate of Analysis (COA) for any hemp product you’re considering buying is one of the best ways to make sure you’re making an informed decision and choosing a product that will best fit your health needs. A good brand should have recent results available, whether it’s found on their packaging or listed on their website. At the very least, COAs should be made available to you through a customer service team. 

Check How it’s Made

Since the CBD and cannabinoid industry is still unregulated, this means companies can extract cannabinoids from hemp using a number of different methods. Some companies go the cheapest route in order to keep their prices low--but these methods often require toxins like propane, hexane, pentane, and butane. To avoid consuming cannabinoid oils that have been extracted this way, look into a brand’s production methods before buying their products. Quality cannabinoids typically come from companies who use pharmaceutical-grade ethanol to extract their oil. They may also use a method called supercritical CO2 extraction.

Go with Broad or Full Spectrum CBD

When it comes to CBD products, you’re typically faced with three different types of products to choose from: broad spectrum, full spectrum, and CBD isolate. Full spectrum CBD contains all of the compounds found in hemp, including CBC, CBG, and CBN, and THC; broad spectrum CBD contains everything except for THC; and CBD isolate is pure CBD. Because cannabinoids are the most effective when they’re all working together (this is known as “the entourage effect”), CBD isolate will be the least effective of all these options. It’s best to choose a full or broad spectrum product instead to ensure you’re getting the best possible results and the most benefits. All of our products at Barker Wellness contain broad spectrum hemp extract for this reason! 

Check Product Reviews and Testimonials

One of the best ways to ensure you’re choosing a good product (CBD or otherwise!) is to take a look at their reputation and reviews. What are people who have tried the product saying about it? Good branding may be convincing, but honest reviews will shed light on the true level of efficacy. Check out some of our reviews for Barker Wellness to see what customers are saying about our products! 

Barker Wellness Co.

At Barker Wellness Co., we hope to check every box on your list when it comes to choosing a quality cannabinoid product. We believe that cannabinoids should help you find relief and peace of mind, so you shouldn’t have to worry about what’s going into your body when you consume them. That’s why all of our products are all-natural, vegan, cruelty-free, and made with high quality broad spectrum hemp extract. Check out our full list of products to find one that’s right for you.