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A New Morning Obsession

The Anti-Inflammatory Orange Creamsicle Smoothie

It's the start of a new year, so your search history is likely littered with words like “detox, healthy, and debloat.” Whether you’re looking to get back on the health wagon, or you simply want a refresh, this smoothie is for you. 

Our Anti-Inflammatory Orange Creamsicle smoothie made is with fresh oranges, pineapple, ginger, turmeric and our Recovery Tincture which are all loaded with detoxifying and anti-inflammatory nutrients. It’s like drinking your favorite popsicles, but the healthy adult version.

Smoothie Ingredients
Let's break it down.

Barker Wellness Recovery Tincture: this tincture is formulated with Broad Spectrum CBD which works to promote overall wellness and CBC (cannabichromene) which may also assist with well...your recovery. It has a very subtle watermelon mint flavor that won't impact the overall taste. 

Oranges: oranges are packed with antioxidants which may be even more powerful than medication in fighting inflammation. They also help your body make collagen, so let's keep that skin glowing into 2022. Make sure you’re using the whole peeled orange, not just the juice - this way you get all the additional immune support.

Pineapple: pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain which is anti-inflammatory and known to help with digestion, which will further help your body process all the nutrients in this smoothie.. 

Turmeric + Ginger: both turmeric and ginger are anti-inflammatory superfoods and may help cut back on bloat and inflammation. 

Non Processed Coconut Milk: make sure you’re using the real deal out of a can, not a carton. Coconut milk is packed with healthy fats called MCTs which may help with weight loss by filling you up for longer and giving you an extra boost of energy.  

Protein/Collagen Powder: Add in some protein or collagen powder for an added bit of protein and skin rejuvenation. We recommend vanilla to boost the creamsicle flavors! 

  • 2 small oranges, peeled
  • 1/2 cup frozen pineapple chunks ~60 grams
  • 1tbs fresh ginger ~10 grams
  • ½  tsp turmeric 
  • 1/3 cup coconut milk 
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder/collagen powder
  • Handful of ice
  • 1 dropper of Barker Wellness Maintenance Tincture 

Add all ingredients to a high speed blender and blend until fully combined. Add additional ice if you like your smoothies thicker.