Cannabinoids: Fact or Fiction?
Mar 31, 2021
A New Morning Obsession
Debunking Common Cannabinoid Myths
By now, you’ve probably heard a thing or two about cannabinoids (the naturally occurring compounds found in hemp) like CBD-- some good, some bad, and maybe some just plain crazy. It’s expected for rumors to start flying about anything that shakes up the wellness world to the extent that cannabinoids have, and, like anything else, it’s important to know what’s true and what’s not. That’s why we’re taking the time to address and debunk three myths you may have heard or thought about cannabinoids.
All cannabinoids are addictive
Since there are debates over whether or not marijuana is addictive, it’s only natural that people will wonder the same thing about all of cannabis’s naturally occurring compounds. But there’s absolutely no reason to worry about getting hooked on THC-free cannabinoid products like the ones we’ve created at Barker Wellness. In fact, the World Health Organization has reported that CBD in particular “exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential.” As it turns out, CBD may actually help reduce addiction.
All cannabinoids will get you “high”
While cannabinoids can make you feel great thanks to the powerful positive effects that help reduce stress, relieve pain, and promote better sleep, you don’t have to worry about running into any psychoactive effects when it comes to THC-free products. That’s because THC is the cannabinoid responsible for getting you “high” when you smoke marijauna. Without it, other isolated cannabinoids will have no such effect. All of the cannabinoids we use at Barker Wellness are non-intoxicating and THC-free. Even when it comes to CBN, which technically has psychoactive properties, the effects are only seen at extremely high doses and our products will not give you a high-- although it may help you sleep a lot better!
Cannabinoids are a scam/there’s no research
We get it-- it’s natural to be wary of anything that the wellness industry has branded as a cure-all and uses as a buzzword. Does it really work? Is it well-researched? Or are they just after your money? It’s important to be a conscious buyer. When it comes to hemp and cannabinoids, though, there is research to back up the positive effects! Although cannabinoid oil can’t fix all of our problems, it can help with some. In addition to the well-known benefits of hemp extract and broad-spectrum CBD, which is a key ingredient in all of our products at Barker Wellness, we also know that CBN and CBG may help treat anxiety, and that many cannabinoids, like CBC, the main component in our Recovery Tincture, can work to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
Barker Wellness Co.
If you want to give cannabinoids a try now that we’ve debunked some of myths that may have been holding you back, look no further than Barker Wellness Co. products! All of our tinctures and creams are THC-free, all-natural, and vegan. They’re the perfect option for anyone looking for some relief.